Civil & Commercial Mediation
Civil/ Commercial mediation is a fast and cost effective way of resolving disputes of any nature without having to resort to protracted and expensive court proceedings.
The mediator will work closely with the parties exploring their positions and view points so that common ground is found and an agreement can be achieved. Mediation may be ordered by the court during court proceeding but can also be used, even in the event that litigation has not yet commenced with a view to avoiding issue of proceedings. Of course, all negotiations during the mediation process are legally privileged so your position has not been compromised by attending mediation.
The agreement of all parties involved in the dispute is required before mediation commences and each will be asked to sign an agreement to mediate before mediation commences. Once mediation has commenced, the process remains entirely voluntary, both for the parties and for the mediator and so can be stopped at any time.
The mediation can take place on site, that is to say at the office of one of the parties or their solicitors, or it can take place at a neutral venue provided by the London Mediation Office. We offer shuttle mediation which is where each party has their own room, and the mediator moves between the two or more rooms trying to reach an amicable agreement. In this mediation model, the mediator will usually begin the session in a joint room, and ask each party or their solicitors to introduce their positions to see if some common ground can be established before the parties are separated into their own rooms. During this time, the parties can also be brought together if the mediator feels that it is appropriate and the parties are happy to do so.
If you do not agree with the mediator, the mediator does not have any power to force you to accept their proposals or even to force you to accept the proposals suggested by the other party. The mediator is simply there to help you negotiate your own settlement, and although they may make proposals, the agreement is your agreement and your own settlement, simply facilitated in a cost effective, impartial and non-judgemental manner.
Most mediations do settle, if not on the actual day then shortly afterwards, so it is in your best interests to at least attempt mediation for your civil/commercial disputes and save yourself time, money and stress.
Call us on 0800 622 6260 for a no obligation talk about our mediation service or to simply request one of our brochures.