How does Mediation Work and What do People Mediate About?
We tailor our approach to your individual needs and goals. Sessions are based on a continual process of goal setting, and making sure that as much as possible is decided without the need for court intervention
Children Matters – Where they will live, Who they will see, Choice of schools, Who takes decisions about them, Religeous upbringing, Holidays, Financial maintenance, Children’s property rights.
Starting relationships – Negotiating pre nups, Living together arrangements, Mediating sharing living space with an elderly parent or other dependant
Re starting relationships – Negotating pre nups, Negotiating Mid Nups, Negotiating Post Nups, Living together arrangements, Reconciliation, Mediating retiring arrangements
Ending Relationships – Divorce, Separation, Dissolution of Civil Partnership, Children leaving home, Reconciliation
Money and Property – Financial maintenance on divorce, Separation or relationship breakdown, Property, Pensions, Assets and debts on divorce, Separation or relationship breakdown, Disputes about wills or inheritance following a family death, Disputes about family businesses
Civil and Commercial Disputes – Any types of Civil and Commerical disputes can be mediated saving all involved a considerable amount of time, money and stress.
How many sessions are needed is dependent on how many issues need to be resolved.
For Family Mediation we can give an estimate as follows:
- Divorce/separation – 1 session
- Divorce and financial matters – 3 – 5 sessions
- Divorce, financial and children matters – 4-6 sessions
- Children matters only – 1 – 2 sessions
Each session lasts 60 – 90 minutes.
In order to accommodate working parties, we run sessions in the evening from 6.30pm – 8pm and on Saturdays between 10am and 6pm.
For Civil and Commercial Mediation:
We offer mediation based on half day or full day slots. Most mediations are resolved within one day but complicated matters or matters involving various parties can take 2 or more days.